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Its seeds can be used on an unlimited scale after rinsing away these W. It is also a fodder crop which because o f its content o f alkaloids can be used only to a limited extent. In the first place, it is a plant for green m a n u r i n g on account o f its capacity to fix nitrogen from the air and to dissolve phosphorus and other minerals in the soil.

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angustifolius (from Matthiolus 1586) The lupin, in its evolution from a wild to a crop plant, had an eventful history that was a c c o m p a n i e d by periods o f both b o o m s a n d declines even though it showed evidence o f being multi-purposal. Centers of diversity in the genus Lupinus (from v.

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Hondelmann: The lupin - ancient and modern crop plant Fig. mutabilis growing at an altitude of about 3,000 m near Cusco/Peru (Fig. Contrast these old paintings to a photograph of a field of L. 2), which at that time was cultivated, and the wild species L. They exhibit, using pre-Linnean nomenclature, L. The first two are taken from the "Kreutterbuch" of Matthiolus (Frankfurt 1586). von Sengbusch at the University of Giessen on NovemAn impression of these species is presented by the following illustrations. v o n S e n g b u s c h * Lecture given on the occasion of awarding a honorary doctor's degree to Prof. The genus, therefore, is comprised o f geographically separated centers of div.ersity (Fig. mutabilis, the Andean lupin from South America, also belongs to this group. angustifolius, narrow-leafed or blue lupin - all of which originate in the Mediterranean area. The genus lupinus, comprising more than 300 species, is a large one, but only few species achieved an agricultural importance. At the same time, the alkaloidfree "sweet" lupins, which were selected for in the course of his early research work, ultimately proved to be one of the first experimental records of the "law of homologous genes" that was postulated by the Russian geneticist Vavilov a few years ago. This is evidenced in textbooks at home and abroad. It brought him permanent fame because it has become the classical example of successful domestication on the basis of simple Mendelian inheritance. This crop plant brought him early fame because it was the first and most important of a series of plant species domesticated by him before World War II. Linskens What would be more suitable to discuss in a lecture in honour of Reinhold von Sengbusch than that research project that brought him early and permanent fame, i.e. Hondelmann Institut FOr Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenziichtung, Bundesforschungsanstalt for Landwirtschaft Braunschweig-V61kenrode (FAL.), Bundesallee 50, D-3300 Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany Received DecemAccepted JanuCommunicated by H. Theor Appl Genet (1984) 68 : 1-9 9 Springer-Verlag 1984 The lupin - ancient and modern crop plant* W.

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